Math Boardgames

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Different concepts made into bright and fun boardgames!

Aim For The Stars

Ordinal Number Find Boardgame
Students move around the gameboard, finding the picture that matches the ordinal number (up to 27).

Up and Down Game 1 - Boardgame
Students work their way around the board, adding or subtracting various numbers.
Level 1 - adding and subtracting 1 digit numbers.
Also includes scoring cards.
6 Pages.
Grades: K-1.

Up and Down Game 2 - Boardgame
Students work their way around the board, adding or subtracting various numbers.
Level 2 - adding and subtracting up to 3 digits (on the decade)
Also includes scoring cards.
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.

Up and Down Game 3 - Boardgame
Students work their way around the board, adding or subtracting various numbers.
Level 3 - adding and subtracting up to 3 digits (off the decade)
Also includes scoring cards.
6 Pages.
Grades: 5-6.

Catalogue Boardgame
Game to be used with any basic catalogue, eg: supermarket, bookclub, specialty store.
Students work their way around the gameboard finding items that match the costing required.
Great addition to a money unit.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.

Change Game - Maths Boardgame
Choose a starting amount and students can work out the change.
Easy and advanced games, plus a blank board for personalisation.
Easy (normal amounts under $10), Advanced (odd amounts under $100)
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.

Round and Round - Maths Boardgame
Students work their way around the game board rounding up or down to the nearest 10 or 100.
Includes blank sheet for personalisation.
Easy and hard boardgames.
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.

Spending and Saving - Boardgame
Whoever has the most at the end, wins!
6 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.

Friends of 10 and 20 - Boardgame
They are given a grid to help them.
4 Pages.
Grades: K-2.

Target Add
Students throw a small game piece onto the mat and see where it lands. They record the score, adding up as they play along.
3 difficulty levels + modification included for even harder game play + optional scorecard.
Grades: K-6.

Alien Bop - Maths Boardgame
Roll the dice, find the number and move along.
Includes 2 boardgames for 1 and 2 dice.
Grades: K-2.